Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Checkin' In

Not much going on that's of note around here. We had a nice, relaxing weekend. Sunday we drove to Tampa to see my husband's aunt and grandmother. I find his aunt delightful. She has a practice where she prescribes flower essences, touch therapy and other natural remedies for a variety of ailments and conditions in animals and humans. Her house is filled with fountains, magic stones and a very peaceful feeling.

Anyway, the flower remedies she uses are pretty interesting to me. And while I wouldn't entrust my entire health to natural medicine and remedies like this, I do believe they can play a very important role.

After a few hours around PB and his incessant energy she asked if we'd like to try to something to help him calm down a bit. I figured why not, so she bottled up some essence of Chamomile. I haven't given him any yet, but I'm going to give it a try. It's not an herb or anything, but rather the essence of the flower that's been trapped. I can put it in his drink (it has no taste) or rub it in the bottoms of feet or put in his bathwather. If you're interested, you can read more here www.bachcentre.com. Anyway, I'll let you know how it goes.

We also visited the nursing facility in which his grandmother lives. That's always a hard place for me to go, but so important. In fact, I was thinking it would be good volunteer work if PB and I went once and awhile to a local home to visit people who may not have family near.

I took Sunday off from running, but did five miles yesterday and about three today. I've noticed more and more that I clench my toes when I run, which then makes them tingle/almost like they've fallen asleep. I have to make a concerted effort to focus on not clenching them. This has been a recurrent problem for me, I think because I spent so many years in dance and gymnastics, where I was always focused on pointing my toes. Not sure, that's a theory anyway.

I've been looking around for my next race, I'm thinking a 10K would be perfect. But not sure which one. My choices are limited by a slew of visitors coming, my trip back to Seattle, the move, etc. I'll figure one out soon though. It's such a good motivator for me.

Well, that's about it. I'm off to go pick PB up from school, and we have swimming lessons this afternoon. I'm going to try to make dinner between the two, as swimming days are always really rushed. I'm thinking soup, because you know the cooler weather is really calling for it--ha! it's 85 out :)

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